Joining ZITI

ZITI is always excited to welcome new colleagues. There are several ways to join the ZITI team on various levels (Postdoctoral Fellows, PhD students, Master students).


The Institute of Computer Engineering (ZITI) at Heidelberg University awards post-doctoral fellowships to especially promising young researchers in computer science and engineering. Each fellowship includes a full-time position for 2 years, a yearly budget that is at free disposal of the fellow and a coaching program in support of the academic career. Each fellow is be assigned a ZITI member as a personal mentor for the duration of the fellowship. The fellowships provide exceptional flexibility and allow for a broad range of research topics. They should enrich the ongoing research activities at ZITI, e.g. in new computational systems, analog circuits and sensors, FPGAs, GPU and HPC algorithms, machine learning, energy efficiency, or biomechanics and robotics.

The main aim of the fellowship program is to support young researchers in exploring new research ideas and in enabling them to successfully apply for long-term funding of an independent junior research group by the end of the fellowship. ZITI will support the fellows in selecting appropriate funding schemes and in the application process.

ZITI is also always happy to host postdoctoral fellows via the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships. The deadline for application is usually in September. If you are interested in applying with ZITI as host institution, please contact us during the spring or at latest in summer, so we can work together to create the best possible application. This applied to similar calls and stipends as well.

List of Current Fellows