Automation (1998-2020)

Arbeitsgruppe Automation

Areas of Interest

  • Human-Adaptive Technology Interaction and Rehabilitation (HATI)
  • Medical Robotics (MeRo)
  • Autonomous Air Vehicle Systems (AVES)

Human-Adaptive Technology Interaction and Rehabilitation (HATI)

Human factors play an important role for controlling Complex and Safety Critical Systems, since human-made mistakes are often the main source of system failures. While the number of human-induced errors can often be reduced by training, the limit of human physiological capabilities must be taken into account. A widely accepted design principle is that the technical system must adapt to the user capabilities in a way that the required overall system performance can be reached and that safety-critical situation can be avoided.

Two well-known approaches are functional task decomposition and interface design. Furthermore, dynamical system design methods are required for designing the human-machine-interaction with the human individuals in the closed-loop system. Such an approach is the modeling and the decomposition of dynamical human behavior along the technical system structuring. This approach reflects the time constants of human and technical behavior. The technical system is decomposed according to the time constants of basic behaviors into behavioral levels interacting with each other using nested feedback loop structures. An appropriate interaction of a human user with the technical system can be reached by coupling the human behavior to the technical behavior on the corresponding levels using specific interfaces. Taking the time constants of the human behavior into account the overall performance of the interaction can be optimized.

Besides system structuring the research questions are directed to dynamic human behavior modeling, Interface Design and System Adaptation in Realtime. Prototypically, the approaches for human-adaptive technology interaction are applied to medical and rehabilitation robots, unmanned air vehicle systems and dependable assistance systems.

Medical Robotics (MeRo)


In the framework of the AICASys project a gaze-based control system is developed for controlling a conventional electrical powered wheelchair on several behavioral levels. While in former work the focus was on the estimation of the driver’s intention on the motion and position levels in the current research project AICASys the focus is on the task execution level.


The system is integrated in the smart-home system using additional context information from the environment. Analyzing the gaze behavior directed to the natural objects in the environment, the driver is able to control actions of the wheelchair and the smart-home environment in a seamless way, while the user is assisted by semi-autonomous functions. Figure 1 shows the scenario for gaze-based door control and driving though. The user is wearing an enhanced gaze-tracking glasses for augmenting the real user perceptible scene with virtual controls. The control system enables the user to interact with the wheelchair and devices in the environment such as door openers, roller shutter and lights using natural gaze behavior.

The project is funded by the BMBF under grant (16SV7181K) “IKT 2020 – Forschung für Innovationen”.

Assisted Wheelchair

Figure: Assisted Wheelchair and Smart-Home Environment.

The project partners are: Automation Laboratory, ZITI, Heidelberg University (Coordinator); SensoMotric Instruments GmbH, Teltow; German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Kaiserslautern; FZI Research Center for Information Technology, Karlsruhe; CIBEK GmbH, Limburgerhof.


Robot Games: Using ROS in Research implemented on two Pioneer 3DX for students of our “Robotic Games Project”. Click here for further information.

Autonomous mobile robots with obstacles

Autonome Mobile Robot Lab is using various autonomous mobile robot setups. 10 x 5 meters squared area for experiments. e.g. optical reference systems, odometry, ultrasonic systems, accelerometer, landmark tracking, optical flow …. metering allows in daylight sceneries to interact machine to machine and machine to human operator. First exercise “playing soccer” with RoboCup rules gives impressive experience in the meaning of real obstacles in sensory based drive of data processing machineries with digital controls. Different robots deliver practical results for young researchers as well as for student in lab experiments as part of theoretical advisory from our basic lecture “Design of Autonomous Systems”.

Robots with 2 and 3 degrees of movement Robots with 2 and 3 degrees of movement

Robots today with 2 and 3 degrees of movement

1999 starting with high sophisticated SmartRob II (Xoberon , PowerPC) mechanical reconfigurations have been tried and added, finally a complete redesign of feedback control and electronic instrumentation was realized with linux industrial PC In realtime. in a competition of Machine Engineering Students we got a complete new CAD-design for football soccer robots with two and three degrees of freedom which could be realiced in industrial quality. Computer system now is an industrial PC implementation, free scaling and reconfiguration of system is possible to implement. Software, hybrid algorithm design in realtime (RTAI, QNX, RT-Lab) is used now. Wireless local area networks connects robots and workstations for student and young researches needs as well.

Experiences could be transfered to other experimental robot systems, especially granted “intelligent” electric wheeled chairs to demonstrate man-machine interoperability.

Intelligent Electric Wheeled Chairs


The control of an electrically powered wheelchair poses a complex and hardly manageable task for severely disabled and elderly people with heavily reduced physical and/or mental abilities. For these persons special control devices (e.g. sip-puff-device) with restricted command sets were developed. Steering a wheelchair by means of such speciality controls as well as learning the handling is not only physically and mentally exhausting and tiring but also time-consuming.

To facilitate such a wheelchair’s steering an intelligent assistance-system will be developed estimating the user’s intention according to the given situation and the operator’s reduced input. The novelty of the approach lies in developing and technically implementing a cognitive model based on the human mind’s cognitive architecture Adaptive Character of Thought - Rational and on theories of human information processing, to describe the behavior of the wheelchair’s user and herewith enabling to derive his/her intended actions. Combining the developed cognitive model and sensory-based information about the environment into one general model allows to successfully interpret the reduced user’s input in a given situation and therefore empowers the assistance-system to plan and execute the actions needed to assist the user in reaching his/her goal. As a result the handling of the complex technical system is greatly simplified, its complexity is less visible, and thus the acceptability of the wheelchair as an important aid in everyday life increased.

This project is an interdisciplinary co-operation between Chair II of the Department of Psychology and the Automation Laboratory of the Institute of Computer Engineering and is supported by the Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH


  1. Alexander Alexopoulos, Benjamin Kirsch and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Realization of pursuit-evasion games with unmanned aerial vehicles.
    In International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS). 2017.

  2. Benjamin Kirsch, Alexander Alexopoulos and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Non-Linear Model Based Control and Parameter Identification of a Hex-Rotor UAV..
    In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). 2016, 002609-002614.

  3. Achim Wagner, Christian Bartolein and Essamedin Badreddin.
    Multi-level Human-Machine-Interaction Monitoring and System Reconfiguration.
    In International Conference on Robotics, Alpe-Adria Danube Region. 2016.

  4. Tim Cottin, Eugen Nordheimer, Achim Wagner and Essamedin Badreddin.
    Gaze-Based Human-SmartHome-Interaction by Augmented Reality Controls.
    In International Workshop on the Design of Dependable Critical Systems, Hamburg. 2016.

  5. Alexander Alexopoulos, Tobias Schmidt and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Cooperative pursue in pursuit-evasion games with unmanned aerial vehicles.
    In 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). 2015, 4538-4543.

  6. Eugen Nordheimer, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Hierarchical Constraint-Based Singularity Avoidance for Multi-Axis Robots.
    PAMM 14(1):889–890, December 2014.
    URL, DOI

  7. Alexander Alexopoulos, Tobias Schmidt and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Pursuit and evasion in a recursive nested behavioral control structure for unmanned aerial vehicles.
    In 14th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS). October 2014, 1175-1180.
    URL, DOI

  8. Nargess Sadeghzadeh-Nokhodberiz, Javad Poshtan, Achim Wagner, Eugen Nordheimer and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Distributed observers for pose estimation in the presence of inertial sensory soft faults.
    ISA Transactions 53(4):1307 - 1319, July 2014.
    URL, DOI

  9. Nargess Sadeghzadeh-Nokhodberiz, Javad Poshtan, Achim Wagner, Eugen Nordheimer and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Cascaded Kalman and particle filters for photogrammetry based gyroscope drift and robot attitude estimation.
    ISA Transactions 53(2):524 - 532, March 2014.
    URL, DOI

  10. Peter P Pott, Markus Hessinger, Roland Werthschützky, Helmut F Schlaak, Eugen Nordheimer, Essameddin Badreddin and Achim Wagner.
    Active Surgeon Support during Orthopedic Surgery using the BOrEScOPE-Exoskeleton: System Design and First Results.
    International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences 6(3&4):272 - 278, 2014.

  11. Peter P Pott, Markus Hessinger, Roland Werthschützky, Helmut F Schlaak, Eugen Nordheimer, Essameddin Badreddin and Achim Wagner.
    BOrEScOPE – Exoskeleton for Active Surgeon Support during Orthopedic Surgery.
    In The Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions (ACHI2014). 2014, 377-380.

  12. Alexander Alexopoulos, Tobias Schmidt and Essameddin Badreddin.
    A pursuit-evasion game between unmanned aerial vehicles.
    In 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO) 02. 2014, 74-81.

  13. Alexander Alexopoulos, Tobias Schmidt and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Real-Time Implementation of Pursuit-Evasion Games Between Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
    In 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO) 370. 2014, 147-163.

  14. Nargess Sadeghzadeh Nokhodberiz, Leila Mekacher Zouaghi, Achim Wagner, Eugen Nordheimer, Javad Poshtan and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Cascaded Kalman Filters for Error Estimation and Compensation of Inertial Navigation System Fusing Optical and Inertial Sensors.
    In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mechatronics (ICOM 2013). July 2013.

  15. Achim Wagner, Leila Mekacher Zouaghi, Florian Barth, Colin Atkinson and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Based Built-in Testing and Monitoring for Dependability Assessment of Dynamical Systems.
    In Competitiveness through maintenance and Asset Management (COMADEM 2013). June 2013.

  16. Leila Mekacher Zouaghi, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Design of fault-tolerant and dependable assistance systems with degree of autonomy adaptation.
    In International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (ICALT 2013). 2013, 13-18.
    URL, DOI

  17. Nargess Sadeghzadeh Nokhodberiz, Leila Mekacher Zouaghi, Achim Wagner, Javad Poshtan and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Cascaded Estimation and Compensation of Inertial Navigation Sensor Error Fusing Optical and Inertial Sensors.
    In Proceedings of Competitiveness Through Maintenance and Asset Management (COMADEM 2013). 2013.

  18. Ahmed El-Shenawy, Achim Wagner, Peter P Pott, Ralf Gundling, Markus L R Schwarz and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Disturbance attenuation of a handheld parallel robot.
    In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2013). 2013, 4647-4652.
    URL, DOI

  19. Alexander Alexopoulos, Amr A Kandil, Piotr Orzechowski and Essameddin Badreddin.
    A Comparative Study of Collision Avoidance Techniques for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
    In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2013). 2013, 1969-1974.
    URL, DOI

  20. Sherine Rady and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Hybrid map-building and localization for unstructured and moderately dynamic environments.
    In Intelligent Systems (IS), 6th IEEE International Conference. September 2012, 380-385.
    URL, DOI

  21. Leila Mekacher Zouaghi, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Benutzerinteraktion beim Online-Monitoring der Navigation eines auto-nomen Rollstuhls.
    In Proceedings of AUTOMED - Automatisierungstechnische Verfahren für die Medizin. 2012.

  22. Leila Mekacher Zouaghi, Alexander Alexopoulos, Markus Koslowski, Amr A Kandil and Essameddin Badreddin.
    An integrated distributed monitoring for mission-based systems: On the example of an autonomous unmanned helicopter.
    In Intelligent Systems (IS), 2012 6th IEEE International Conference. 2012, 415-420.
    URL, DOI

  23. Martin J Wolf, Vasil Ninov, Heiko Babel, Kimmo Hütter, Ralph Staudt, Winfried Storhas and Essameddin Badreddin.
    A Laboratory Experiment for Teaching Bioprocess Control – Part 1: Hardware Setting.
    In 9th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education. 2012, 402-407.

  24. Achim Wagner, Eugen Nordheimer and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Hierarchical constraint-based singularity avoidance.
    In System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), 2012 16th International Conference on. 2012, 1-5.

  25. Sherine Rady.
    Information-theoretic environment modeling for mobile robot localization.
    Dissertation, Universität Mannheim, 2012.

  26. Markus Koslowski, Amr A Kandil and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Platform description and system modelling for control of an unmanned helicopter.
    In Intelligent Systems (IS), 2012 6th IEEE International Conference. 2012, 391-396.
    URL, DOI

  27. Markus Koslowski, Amr A Kandil and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Modeling and identification of a small-scale unmanned autonomous helicopter.
    In Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. 2012, 2160-2165.
    URL, DOI

  28. Alexander Alexopoulos, Leila Mekacher Zouaghi and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Associative memory for modified Petri-net based monitoring of mobile robot navigation.
    In 1st International Conference on Innovative Engineering Systems (ICIES 2012). 2012, 160-165.
    URL, DOI

  29. Leila Mekacher Zouaghi, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Monitoring of Hybrid Systems using Behavioural System Specification.
    In 18th IFAC World Congress Milano Italy. 2011, 8144-8149.
    URL, DOI

  30. Leila Mekacher Zouaghi, Alexander Alexopoulos, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Probabilistic online-generated monitoring models for mobile robot navigation using modified Petri net.
    In Advanced Robotics (ICAR), 2011 15th International Conference on. 2011, 594-599.
    URL, DOI

  31. Leila Mekacher Zouaghi, Alexander Alexopoulos, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Modified particle petri nets for hybrid dynamical systems monitoring under environmental uncertainties.
    In System Integration (SII), 2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on. 2011, 497-502.
    URL, DOI

  32. Martin J Wolf, Meike Jipp, Sebastian Klöss and Essameddin Badreddin.
    An overview over recent advances and future directions of the theory of structured intelligence.
    In Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. 2011, 2139-2144.
    URL, DOI

  33. Achim Wagner, Leila Mekacher Zouaghi, Florian Barth, Colin Atkinson and Essameddin Badreddin.
    A unified design approach for component-based dynamic systems monitoring.
    In System Integration (SII), 2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on. 2011, 1137-1142.
    URL, DOI

  34. Achim Wagner, Eugen Nordheimer, Michael Merscher, Steffen Heute, Hans-Peter Weiser, Peter P Pott and Markus L R Schwarz.
    Kinematics-Based Position-Control of the 6-DOF Surgical robot EPIZACTOR.
    In 11th Annual Meeting of CAOS-International, London, UK. 2011.

  35. Sherine Rady, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Hierarchical localization using compact hybrid mapping for large-scale unstructured environments.
    In Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. 2011, 2375-2380.
    URL, DOI

  36. Sherine Rady, Amr A Kandil and Essameddin Badreddin.
    A hybrid localization approach for UAV in GPS denied areas.
    In System Integration (SII), 2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on. 2011, 1269-1274.
    URL, DOI

  37. Peter P Pott, Achim Wagner, Essameddin Badreddin, Hans-Peter Weiser and Markus L R Schwarz.
    Inverse Dynamic Model and a Control Application of a Novel 6-DOF Hybrid Kinematics Manipulator.
    J. Intell. Robotics Syst. 63(1):3–23, 2011.
    URL, DOI

  38. Amr A Kandil and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Optimal design of off-grid reverse osmosis desalination unit operated by hybrid PVWindDiesel power plant.
    In 12th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2011) (Greece). 2011.

  39. Ahmed El-Shenawy, Achim Wagner, Amr A Kandil and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Lyapunov stability study for a special actuated holonomic wheeled mobile robot.
    In Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. 2011, 1962-1967.
    URL, DOI

  40. Essameddin Badreddin and Achim Wagner.
    Real-Time Level of Autonomy Adaptation for Human-Machine-Interaction Based on the Reaction Time.
    In 18th IFAC World Congeress Milano. 2011, 4833-4838.
    URL, DOI

  41. Leila Mekacher Zouaghi, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Hybrid, recursive, nested monitoring of control systems using Petri nets and particle filters.
    In Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W), 2010 International Conference on. 2010, 73-79.
    URL, DOI

  42. Achim Wagner, Meike Jipp, Amr A Kandil, Christoph Eck and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Generic system architecture for dependable interactive systems: A flying robot example.
    In Systems Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. 2010, 2129-2136.
    URL, DOI

  43. Sherine Rady, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Hierarchical localization using entropy-based feature map and triangulation techniques.
    In Systems Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. 2010, 519-525.
    URL, DOI

  44. Sherine Rady, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Building efficient topological maps for mobile robot localization: An evaluation study on COLD benchmarking database.
    In Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on. 2010, 542-547.
    URL, DOI

  45. Sherine Rady and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Information-theoretic environment modeling for efficient topological localization.
    In Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), 2010 10th International Conference on. 2010, 1042-1046.
    URL, DOI

  46. Tobias Miksch, Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Fault-tolerant control of a reverse osmosis plant based on MPC with lexicographic multiobjective optimization.
    In Control Applications (CCA), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. 2010, 1045-1050.
    URL, DOI

  47. Young Geun Lee, Adrian Gambier, Essameddin Badreddin and Joon Ha Kim.
    A dynamic model for the control of a seawater reverse osmosis desalination process.
    In EuroMed 2010 Conference, Tel Avivi. 2010.

  48. Amr A Kandil, Achim Wagner, Alexander Gotta and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Collision avoidance in a recursive nested behaviour control structure for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
    In Systems Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. 2010, 4276-4281.
    URL, DOI

  49. Amr A Kandil, Sherine Rady and Essameddin Badreddin.
    A plant for cogeneration of electricity and water powered by renewable energy sources based on using high level of automation.
    In Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), 2010 10th International Conference on. 2010, 209-213.
    URL, DOI

  50. Amr A Kandil, Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Optimal design for water and power co-generation in remote areas using renewable energy sources and intelligent automation.
    In 22nd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (Simulation in Industry), (EMSS 2010) (Marocco). 2010, 165-167.

  51. Meike Jipp, Sebastian Klöss, Martin J Wolf and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Comparative performance assessment of path-planning for autonomous mobile robots using Structured Intelligence.
    In Control Applications (CCA), 2010 IEEE International Conference on. 2010, 1251-1256.
    URL, DOI

  52. Adrian Gambier, Tobias Miksch and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Fault-tolerant supervisory control of a reverse osmosis desalination plant powered by renewable energies.
    In 22nd European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (Simulation in Industry), (EMSS 2010) (Marocco). 2010.

  53. Adrian Gambier, Tobias Miksch and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Fault-tolerant control of a small reverse osmosis desalination plant with feed water bypass.
    In American Control Conference (ACC), 2010. 2010, 3611-3616.

  54. Young Geun Lee, Adrian Gambier, Essameddin Badreddin, Sangho Lee, Dae Ryook Yang and Joon Ha Kim.
    Application of hybrid systems techniques for cleaning and replacement of a RO membrane.
    In Desalination, 249. November 2009, 25-32.

  55. Leila Mekacher Zouaghi, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Hierarchical Hybrid Monitoring for Autonomous Systems.
    In International Workshop on the Design of Dependable Critical Systems, Hamburg. 2009.

  56. Leila Mekacher Zouaghi, Markus Koslowski, Alexander Alexopoulos, Florian Barth, Meike Jipp, Silva Raul Schmidlin Fajardo, Yi Luo, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Dependable component-based design on the Example of a Heating Control System.
    In in International Workshop on the Design of Dependable Critical Systems, Hamburg. 2009.

  57. Martin J Wolf, Ralph Staudt, Adrian Gambier, Winfried Storhas and Essameddin Badreddin.
    On setting-up a portable low-cost real-time control system for research and teaching with application to bioprocess pH control.
    In Control Applications, (CCA) Intelligent Control, (ISIC), 2009 IEEE. 2009, 1631-1636.
    URL, DOI

  58. Achim Wagner, Colin Atkinson and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Towards a Practical, Unified Dependability Measure for Dynamic Systems.
    In International Workshop on the Design of Dependable Critical Systems. 2009.

  59. Markus L R Schwarz, Achim Wagner, Ahmed El-Shenawy, Ralf Gundling, Andreas Köpfle, Holger Handel, Essameddin Badreddin, Reinhard Männer, Hanns-Peter Scharf, Markus Götz Markus A Schill and Peter P Pott.
    A Handheld Robot for Orthopedic Surgery - ITD.
    In World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, IFMBE Proceedings 25/6 25/6. 2009, 99-102.

  60. Sherine Rady, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Efficient codebook generation for appearance-based localization.
    In Asian Control Conference, 2009. ASCC 2009. 7th. 2009, 1656-1661.

  61. Yi Luo, Achim Wagner, Leila Mekacher Zouaghi and Essameddin Badreddin.
    An Integrated Monitor-Diagnosis-Reconfiguration Scheme for (Semi-) Autonomous Mobile Systems.
    In International Workshop on the Design of Dependable Critical Systems, Hamburg. 2009.

  62. Amr A Kandil and Essameddin Badreddin.
    A point-to-point robot trajectory planning method under constrained link configuration for narrow spaces.
    In Asian Control Conference, 2009. ASCC 2009. 7th. 2009, 1650-1655.

  63. Amr A Kandil and Essameddin Badreddin.
    A new method for Direct and point-to-point robot trajectory planning in narrow spaces.
    In Control Applications, (CCA) Intelligent Control, (ISIC), 2009 IEEE. 2009, 1738-1743.
    URL, DOI

  64. Meike Jipp, Christian Bartolein, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    The impact of individual differences in fine motor abilities on wheelchair control behavior and especially on safety-critical collisions with objects in the surroundings..
    In International Workshop on the Design of Dependable Critical Systems Hamburg. 2009.

  65. Meike Jipp, Christian Bartolein and Essameddin Badreddin.
    The role of task and situational characteristics on the dependability of human-technology interaction.
    In in International Workshop on the Design of Dependable Critical Systems, Hamburg. 2009.

  66. Adrian Gambier, Martin J Wolf, Tobias Miksch, Andrea Wellenreuther and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Optimal systems engineering and control co-design for water and energy production: A European pro.
    In Desalination and Water Treatment. 2009.

  67. Adrian Gambier, Andrea Wellenreuther and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Control system design of reverse osmosis plants by using advanced optimization techniques.
    In Desalination and Water Treatment. 2009.

  68. Adrian Gambier, Tobias Miksch and Essameddin Badreddin.
    A reverse osmosis laboratory plant for experimenting with fault-tolerant control.
    In American Control Conference, 2009. ACC '09.. 2009, 3775-3780.
    URL, DOI

  69. Adrian Gambier, Nikolaus Blümlein and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Real-time fault tolerant control of a Reverse Osmosis desalination plant based on a hybrid system approach.
    In American Control Conference, 2009. ACC '09.. 2009, 1598-1603.
    URL, DOI

  70. Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Control of small reverse osmosis desalination plants with feed water bypass.
    In Control Applications, (CCA) Intelligent Control, (ISIC), 2009 IEEE. 2009, 800-805.
    URL, DOI

  71. Christian Bartolein, Achim Wagner, Meike Jipp and Essamedin Badreddin.
    Dependable System Design for Assistance Systems for Electrically Powered Wheelchairs.
    In International Workshop on the Design of Dependable Critical Systems, Hamburg. 2009.

  72. Andrea Wellenreuther, Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Optimal multi-loop control design of a reverse osmosis desalination plant with robust performance.
    In 17th IFAC World Congress (Seoul). 2008, 10039-10034.

  73. Andrea Wellenreuther, Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Game-theoretical analysis of a multi-loop control structure with constrained strategy sets.
    In Control Applications, 2008. CCA 2008. IEEE International Conference on. 2008, 43-48.
    URL, DOI

  74. Andrea Wellenreuther, Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Game-theoretical analysis for choosing the topology in multi-loop control systems.
    In American Control Conference, 2008. 2008, 3671-3676.
    URL, DOI

  75. Andrea Wellenreuther, Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Controller tuning of stochastic disturbed multi-loop control systems.
    In Control Applications, 2008. CCA 2008. IEEE International Conference on. 2008, 287-292.
    URL, DOI

  76. Achim Wagner, Christian Bartolein, Meike Jipp and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Assessment of the User's Dependability-Relevant Abilities for Enhanced Human-Technology Interaction.
    In 52nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 2008.

  77. Markus L R Schwarz, Peter P Pott, N Ganni, C Brockmann, C Isaza, C Groden, M Smith, E Rö\"ssner and P Hohenberger.
    Processed dermal allografts of various dimensions in tensile test.
    In 10th International Meeting Biomechanics and Biomaterial Munich. 2008.

  78. Sherine Rady, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Entropy-based features for robust place recognition.
    In Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2008. SMC 2008. IEEE International Conference on. 2008, 713-718.
    URL, DOI

  79. Jan Rüdiger, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Behavior based estimation of dependability for autonomous mobile systems using particle filter.
    In 17th IFAC World Congress (Seoul). 2008, 12799-12804.
    URL, DOI

  80. Peter Paul Pott.
    Untersuchung von Kinematiken für handgehaltene Roboter.
    Dissertation, Universität Mannheim, 2008.

  81. Tobias Miksch, Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Realtime performance evaluation of fault tolerant control using MPC on the three-tank system.
    In 17th IFAC World Congress (Seoul). 2008, 11136-11141.

  82. Tobias Miksch, Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Real-time performance comparison of fault-tolerant controllers.
    In Control Applications, 2008. CCA 2008. IEEE International Conference on. 2008, 492-497.
    URL, DOI

  83. Tobias Miksch, Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Real-Time Implementation of Fault-Tolerant Control Using Model Predictive Control.
    In 17th IFAC World Congress. 2008.
    URL, DOI

  84. Amr A Kandil and Essameddin Badreddin.
    A novel synchronized motion method for direct and point-to-point robot trajectory planning in constrained workspace.
    In Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2008. SMC 2008. IEEE International Conference on. 2008, 3108-3113.
    URL, DOI

  85. Meike Jipp, Werner W Wittmann and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Concurrent Validity of Individual Differences in Intelligence in Activity Differences of Handicapped Wheelchair Users.
    In 52nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 2008.

  86. Meike Jipp, Werner W Wittmann and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Analysis of Human Information Acquisition Behavior for Natural Gaze-Based Wheelchair Control.
    In 52nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 2008.

  87. Meike Jipp, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Individual Ability-Based System Design of Dependable Human-Technology Interaction.
    In 17th IFAC World Congress. 2008.
    URL, DOI

  88. Meike Jipp, Christian Bartolein and Essameddin Badreddin.
    The impact of individual differences on human information acquisition behavior to enhance gaze-based wheelchair control.
    In Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2008. SMC 2008. IEEE International Conference on. 2008, 2591-2596.
    URL, DOI

  89. Meike Jipp, Christian Bartolein and Essameddin Badreddin.
    An Activity-Theoretic Approach to Intention Estimation.
    In 17th IFAC World Congress. 2008.
    URL, DOI

  90. Meike Jipp, Essameddin Badreddin, Ciamak Abkai and Jürgen Hesser.
    Individual ability-based system configuration cognitive profiling with Bayesian Networks.
    In Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2008. SMC 2008. IEEE International Conference on. 2008, 3359-3364.
    URL, DOI

  91. Adrian Gambier, Martin J Wolf and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Open Gain: A European project for optimal water and energy production based on high level of automation.
    In Euromed 2008. 2008.

  92. Adrian Gambier, Andrea Wellenreuther and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Optimal operation of reverse osmosis plants based on advanced control.
    In Euromed 2008. 2008.

  93. Adrian Gambier.
    Teaching Digital Controllers for Finite Settling Time by Using Model-based Control Education (MBCE) in a Constructivist Framework.
    In 17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC WC 2008). 2008, 11666-11671.

  94. Adrian Gambier.
    MPC and PID control based on Multi-Objective Optimization.
    In American Control Conference, 2008. 2008, 4727-4732.
    URL, DOI

  95. Adrian Gambier.
    Digital PID controller design based on parametric optimization.
    In Control Applications, 2008. CCA 2008. IEEE International Conference on. 2008, 792-797.
    URL, DOI

  96. Fabian Fleig.
    Fehlerdetektion und Rekonfiguration von Inertialsensorsystemen mit Positionsstützung für Robotikanwendungen mit sechs Freiheitsgraden.
    Diplomarbeit, Universität Mannheim, 2008.

  97. Ahmed El-Shenawy, Andrea Wellenreuther and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Practical evaluation for two different holonomic wheeled mobile robots.
    In Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2008. SMC 2008. IEEE International Conference on. 2008, 3102-3107.
    URL, DOI

  98. Ahmed El-Shenawy, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Practical construction and position control of a modular actuated holonomic wheeled mobile robot.
    In Robotics and Automation, 2008. ICRA 2008. IEEE International Conference on. 2008, 1672-1677.
    URL, DOI

  99. Christian Bartolein, Achim Wagner, Meike Jipp and Essamedin Badreddin.
    Easing wheelchair control by gaze-based estimation of intended motion.
    In 17th IFAC World Congress. 2008.
    URL, DOI

  100. Jan Rüdiger, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Behavior based Dependability Estimation - Estimating the Dependability of Autonomous Mobile Systems using Predictive Filter..
    In Joaquim Filipe, Juan Andrade-Cetto and Jean-Louis Ferrier (eds.). 5th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2008). 2008, 137-142.

  101. Peter P Pott, Markus L R Schwarz, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Comparative Study of Robot-designs for a Handheld Medical Robot..
    In Joaquim Filipe, Juan Andrade-Cetto and Jean-Louis Ferrier (eds.). 5th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2008). 2008, 103-110.

  102. Martin J Wolf, Winfried Storhas, Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    A Bilinear Hybrid Model for Diauxic Production of β-Galactosidase by E.coli in Biotechnological Plants.
    In Control Applications, 2007. CCA 2007. IEEE International Conference on. 2007, 337-342.
    URL, DOI

  103. Andrea Wellenreuther, Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Optimal multi-loop control system design subject to explicit constraints.
    In the European Control Conference 2007 (ECC 2007). 2007, 3957-3962.

  104. Jan Rüdiger, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Behavior based description of dependability - defining a minium set of attributes for a behavioral description of dependability.
    In 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2007). 2007.

  105. Jan Rüdiger, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Behavior Based Definition of Dependability for Autonomous Mobile Systems.
    In European Control Conference 2007. 2007, 4146-4151.

  106. E Rö\"ssner, S Thier, Markus L R Schwarz, Peter P Pott, D Dinter, M Smith and P Hohenberger.
    Acellular Dermal matrix (ADM) Seeded with Autologous Fibroblsts Improves Wound Breaking Strength in a Rodent Soft Tissue Damage Model in Neoadjuvant Settings.
    In CTOS. 2007.

  107. Peter P Pott and Markus L R Schwarz.
    Workspace-to-volume ratio of novel robot kinematics for orthopaedic interventions on bone.
    In 7th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery (CAOS). 2007.

  108. Peter P Pott and Markus L R Schwarz.
    Das Verhältnis von Arbeitsraum zu Bauraum epizyklischer Kinematiken mit sechs Freiheitsgraden / The relation of workspace and installation space of epicyclic kinematics with six degrees of freedom.
    In Biomedizinische Technik, 52(5). 2007, 323-336.
    URL, DOI

  109. Peter P Pott, D Döbel, H Schoppmann and Markus L R Schwarz.
    MERODA – The medical robotics database.
    In 7th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery (CAOS). 2007.

  110. Meike Jipp, Christian Bartolein and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Intention estimation and the concept of cognitive control.
    In International Conference of Cognitive Analysis and Situation Control. 2007.

  111. Meike Jipp, Christian Bartolein and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Assisted wheelchair control: Theoretical advancements, empirical results, and technical implementation.
    In 4th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications (ISMA07). 2007.

  112. Meike Jipp and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Theory of structured intelligence - results on innovation-based and experience-based behaviour.
    In 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2007). 2007, 327-332.

  113. Adrian Gambier, Andrea Wellenreuther and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Multi-loop control system design: A game theoretical approach for computer-controlled systems.
    In 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2007). 2007, 1814-1819.
    URL, DOI

  114. Adrian Gambier, Andrej Krasnik and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Dynamic Modeling of a Simple Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant for Advanced Control Purposes.
    In American Control Conference (ACC 2007). 2007, 4854-4859.
    URL, DOI

  115. Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Multi-objective Optimal Control: An Overview.
    In IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA 2007). 2007, 170-175.
    URL, DOI

  116. Adrian Gambier.
    Parametric Optimization for Practical Control Systems Design.
    In IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA 2007). 2007, 301-306.
    URL, DOI

  117. Ahmed El-Shenawy, Andrea Wellenreuther, Andre S Baumgart and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Comparing different holonomic mobile robots.
    In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (ISIC 2007). 2007, 1584-1589.
    URL, DOI

  118. Ahmed El-Shenawy, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Inverse dynamic solution for holonomic wheeled mobile robot with modular wheel actuation.
    In European Control Conference 2007. 2007, 5486-5491.

  119. Andre S Baumgart, Anja Zöller, Christof Denz, Hans-Joachim Bender, Armin Heinzl and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Using Computer Simulation in Operating Room Management: Impacts on Process Engineering and Performance.
    In 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2007). 2007, 131-131.
    URL, DOI

  120. Andre S Baumgart, Hartwig Knapp, Pascal Suetterlin and Martin Schader.
    A Profile-Based Peer-to-Peer RSS Information Distribution.
    In 2nd International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC 2007). 2007.
    URL, DOI

  121. Christian Bartolein, Achim Wagner, Meike Jipp and Essamedin Badreddin.
    Multilevel intention estimation for wheelchair control.
    In European Control Conference 2007. 2007.

  122. Christian Bartolein, Achim Wagner, Meike Jipp and Essamedin Badreddin.
    Gaze-based wheelchair control using hidden Markov models.
    In 7. Workshop “Automatisierungstechnische Verfahren für die Medizin,” Fortschrittsberichte VDI 17(267). 2007, 17-18.

  123. Essameddin Badreddin and Meike Jipp.
    Construct validation. Theory of structured intelligence.
    In International Conference of Cognitive Analysis and Situation Control. 2007, 243-247.

  124. Achim Wagner, Matthias Nübel, Essameddin Badreddin, Peter P Pott and Markus L R Schwarz.
    Disturbance feed forward control of a handheld parallel robot.
    In Janan Zaytoon, Jean-Louis Ferrier, Juan Andrade-Cetto and Joaquim Filipe (eds.). 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2007) 1. 2007, 44-51.

  125. Ahmed El-Shenawy, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Kinematics and dynamics analysis for a holonomic wheeled mobile robot.
    In Janan Zaytoon, Jean-Louis Ferrier, Juan Andrade-Cetto and Joaquim Filipe (eds.). 4th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2007). 2007, 485-491.

  126. Mostafa Abdel-Geliel, Essameddin Badreddin and Adrian Gambier.
    Application of model predictive control for fault tolerant system using dynamic safety margin.
    In American Control Conference (ACC 2006). June 2006, 6 pp..
    URL, DOI

  127. Andrea Wellenreuther, Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Parameter tuning of multiple controllers for multiloop systems using game theory.
    In 6th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2006). 2006, 773-779.

  128. Andrea Wellenreuther, Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Multi-loop controller design for a heat exchanger.
    In IEEE Computer Aided Control System Design, IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control. 2006, 2099-2104.
    URL, DOI

  129. Achim Wagner, Peter P Pott, Markus L R Schwarz, Hanns-Peter Scharf, Hans-Peter Weiser, Andreas Köpfle, Reinhard Männer and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Efficient inverse dynamics of a parallel robot with two movable platforms.
    In 4th IFAC-Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (MECHATRONICS 2006) 4. 2006, 1035-1040.
    URL, DOI

  130. Peter P Pott, D Döbel, H Schoppmann, Hanns-Peter Scharf and Markus L R Schwarz.
    MERODA – The Medical Robotics Database.
    In 6. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V. (CURAC 2006). 2006.

  131. Meike Jipp and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Enhancing the Dependability of Human-Machine Systems Using Brunswikian Symmetry.
    In International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation and International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce. 2006, 219-219.
    URL, DOI

  132. Adrian Gambier, Andrea Wellenreuther and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Optimal control of a reverse osmosis desalination plant using multi-objective optimization.
    In IEEE Computer Aided Control System Design, IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control. 2006, 1368-1373.
    URL, DOI

  133. Adrian Gambier, Andrea Wellenreuther and Essameddin Badreddin.
    A New Approach to Design Multi-loop Control Systems with Multiple Controllers.
    In 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2006). 2006, 1828-1833.
    URL, DOI

  134. Adrian Gambier.
    A new approach to design control engineering lectures: An example for hybrid systems.
    In 7th IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education (ACE 2006). 2006.
    URL, DOI

  135. Sebastian Freudenberg, Stephan Rewerk, Stephan Bay, Christiane Al-Khouri, Achim Wagner, Mohan Isaac, Martha Maria Gebhard and Georg Kähler.
    Local application of hyperthermia in the esophagus with a heatable malleable thermoplastic stent.
    European Surgical Research 38(1):42-47, 2006.

  136. Ahmed El-Shenawy, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Solving the singularity problem for a holonomic mobile robot.
    In 4th IFAC-Symposium on Mechatronic Systems. 2006, 151-156.
    URL, DOI

  137. Ahmed El-Shenawy, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Dynamic Model of a Holonomic Mobile Robot with Actuated Caster Wheels.
    In 9th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2006). 2006, 1-6.
    URL, DOI

  138. Ahmed El-Shenawy, Achim Wagner and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Controlling a Holonomic Mobile Robot With Singularities.
    In 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA 2006) 2. 2006, 8270-8274.
    URL, DOI

  139. Andre S Baumgart, Hartwig Knapp and Martin Schader.
    Mobile semantic data exchange in ad hoc networks using distributed profiles.
    In 1st International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC 2006). 2006, 6 pp..
    URL, DOI

  140. Essameddin Badreddin and Meike Jipp.
    Structured Intelligence.
    In International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation and International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies and Internet Commerce. 2006, 100-100.
    URL, DOI

  141. Mostafa Abdel-Geliel, Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Adaptive model predictive control based on dynamic safety margin for fault tolerant systems.
    In 6th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2006). 2006.

  142. Mostafa Abdel-Geliel, Essameddin Badreddin and Adrian Gambier.
    Robust fault detection based on dynamic safety margin.
    In 6th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2006). 2006, 367-374.

  143. Mostafa Abdel-Geliel, Essameddin Badreddin and Adrian Gambier.
    Application of Dynamic Safety Margin in Robust Fault Detection and Fault Tolerant Control.
    In IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA 2006). 2006, 337-342.
    URL, DOI

  144. Adrian Gambier and Yul Y Nazaruddin.
    Multivariable state-space adaptive control.
    at-Automatisierungstechnik 53:537-545, November 2005.

  145. Markus L R Schwarz, Peter P Pott, A Beck, Steffen Heute and Hanns-Peter Scharf.
    Test bed for assessment of the kinematical determination of navigation systems for total knee arthroplasty. Does a limited range of motion of the hip joint influence the accuracy of the determination?.
    Journal of Computer Aided Surgery 10(1):51-57, 2005.

  146. Peter P Pott, Hanns-Peter Scharf and Markus L R Schwarz.
    Today's state of the art in surgical robotics.
    Journal of Computer Aided Surgery 10(2):101-132, 2005.

  147. Peter P Pott, Hanns-Peter Scharf and Markus L R Schwarz.
    Stand der Technik der roboterunterstützten Behandlungsmethoden in der operativen Medizin.
    In XXVII. Münchner Symposion für Experimentelle Orthopädie. 2005.

  148. Essameddin Badreddin Mohammed Bader El Den, Yehia T Kotb and Jan Rüdiger.
    A game theoretic model of cooperation and non-cooperation for soccer playing robots.
    In 16th IFAC World Congress. 2005.
    URL, DOI

  149. Yehia T Kotb and Andre S Baumgart.
    Multi-level workflow modeling using extended workflow petri nets.
    In 26th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency (Workshop Coordination and Workflow). 2005.

  150. Yehia T Kotb and Andre S Baumgart.
    An extended Petri net for modeling workflow with critical sections.
    In IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2005). 2005, 134-141.
    URL, DOI

  151. Yehia T Kotb and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Synchronization among activities in a workflow using extended workflow Petri nets.
    In Seventh IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC 2005). 2005, 548-551.
    URL, DOI

  152. Meike Jipp, Peter P Pott, Achim Wagner, Essameddin Badreddin and Werner W Wittmann.
    Application of a skill acquisition theory to improve robotic surgery.
    In Proceedings of the 9th European Congress of Psychology. 2005.

  153. Meike Jipp, Essameddin Badreddin, Werner W Wittmann and Christian Bartolein.
    Information Theoretic Approach to Decision Making.
    In Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Society for Judgement and Decision Making (SJDM). 2005.

  154. Meike Jipp, Essameddin Badreddin, Christian Bartolein, Achim Wagner and W W Wittman.
    Cognitive modeling to enhance usability of complex technical systems in rehabilitation technology on the example of a wheelchair.
    In 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics. 2005, 1165-1172.

  155. Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Hybrid control of a multistage flash desalination plant.
    In International Conference on Instrumentation, Communication and Information Technology (ICICI 2005). 2005, 763-768.

  156. Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Dynamic modeling of a single-stage MSF plant for advanced control purposes.
    In Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA 2005). 2005, 681-686.
    URL, DOI

  157. Andre S Baumgart, Hartwig Knapp, Martin Schader and Sebastian Mill.
    A Platform-Independent Adaptive Video Streaming Client for Mobile Devices.
    In Proceedings of the 7th International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks (MWCN 2005). 2005.

  158. Andre S Baumgart and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Robust flexible real-time monitoring of workflow processes.
    In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2005) 4. 2005, 3729-3735.
    URL, DOI

  159. Andre S Baumgart.
    Towards flexible distributed real-time monitoring and managing of workflows.
    In Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2005). 2005, 1582-1585.
    URL, DOI

  160. Mostafa Abdel-Geliel, Essameddin Badreddin and Adrian Gambier.
    Dynamic safety margin in fault-tolerant predictive controller.
    In Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA 2005). 2005, 803-808.
    URL, DOI

  161. Mostafa Abdel-Geliel and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Dynamic safety margin in fault diagnosis and isolation.
    In European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2005). 2005, 1-6.

  162. Mostafa Abdel-Geliel and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Adaptive controller using dynamic safety margin for hybrid laboratory plant.
    In Proceedings of the 2005 American Control Conference (ACC 2005). 2005, 1443-1448 vol. 2.
    URL, DOI

  163. Achim Wagner, Peter P Pott, Markus L R Schwarz, Hanns-Peter Scharf, Hans-Peter Weiser, Andreas Köpfle, Reinhard Männer and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Control of a handheld robot for orthopedic surgery.
    In 3rd International Federation of Accountants Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (IFAC 2004). 2004, 49-54.

  164. Achim Wagner, Essameddin Badreddin, Hans-Peter Weiser, Andreas Köpfle, Reinhard Männer, Peter P Pott, Hanns-Peter Scharf and Markus L R Schwarz.
    System design and position control of a handheld surgical robotic device.
    In Mechatronics and Robotics Conference. 2004, 1415-1420.

  165. Ute Schreiner, Ralph Wetzel, H Koester, Peter P Pott, Gerhard Scheller and Markus L R Schwarz.
    Sekundärstabilität von Keramikprüfkörpern mit poröser Oberfläche im Tiermodell Göttinger Minipig.
    In 90. Jahrestagung der DGOOC. 2004.

  166. Peter P Pott, Achim Wagner, Andreas Köpfle, Essameddin Badreddin, Reinhard Männer, Hans-Peter Weiser, Hanns-Peter Scharf and Markus L R Schwarz.
    A handheld surgical manipulator: ITD - Design and first results.
    In 18th International Congress and Exibition of Computer assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2004). 2004.
    URL, DOI

  167. Peter P Pott, Andreas Köpfle, Achim Wagner, Essameddin Badreddin, Reinhard Männer, Hans-Peter Weiser, Hanns-Peter Scharf and Markus L R Schwarz.
    State of the art of surgical robotics.
    In Workshop on Medical Robotics, Navigation and Visualization (MRNV). 2004, 312-328.

  168. Peter P Pott, Andreas Köpfle, Achim Wagner, Essameddin Badreddin, Reinhard Männer, Hans-Peter Weiser, Hanns-Peter Scharf and Markus L R Schwarz.
    ITD - Ein handgehaltener Operationsmanipulator für die Pedikelverschraubung.
    In 90. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie und Orthopädische Chirurgie e.V. (DGOOC). 2004.

  169. Peter P Pott, Andreas Köpfle, Achim Wagner, Essameddin Badreddin, Reinhard Männer, Hans-Peter Weiser, Hanns-Peter Scharf and Markus L R Schwarz.
    Getriebe mit 4 Freiheitsgraden für robotische Anwendungen in der Medizin (A Gearing Mechanism with 4 degrees of Freedom for Robotic Applications in Medicine).
    Biomedizinische Technik 49(6):177-180, 2004.
    URL, DOI

  170. Peter P Pott, Andreas Köpfle, Achim Wagner, Essameddin Badreddin, Reinhard Männer, Hans-Peter Weiser, Hanns-Peter Scharf and Markus L R Schwarz.
    Erste Versuche mit dem handgehaltenen Operationsroboter ITD (First experiments with the handheld surgical manipulator ITD)..
    In 38th Annual Workshop of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik im VDE (DGBMT). 2004.

  171. Peter P Pott, Andreas Köpfle, Achim Wagner, Essameddin Badreddin, Reinhard Männer, Hans-Peter Weiser, Hanns-Peter Scharf and Markus L R Schwarz.
    Ein handgehaltener Operationsroboter: Proof of concept und erste Ergebnisse (A handheld surgical manipulator: Proof of concept and first results).
    In 3st Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V. (CURAC 2004). 2004, 23.

  172. Andreas Köpfle, Markus A Schill, Markus L R.Schwarz, Peter P Pott, Achim Wagner, Reinhard Männer, Essameddin Badreddin, Hans-Peter Weiser and Hanns-Peter Scharf.
    A modular scalable approach to occlusion-robust low-latency optical tracking.
    In 7th Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2004). 2004, 1085-1086.

  173. Andreas Köpfle, Reinhard Männer, Markus A Schill, Michael Rautmann, Peter P Pott, Markus L R Schwarz, Hanns-Peter Scharf, Achim Wagner, Essameddin Badreddin and Hans-Peter Weiser.
    Occlusion-robust, low-latency optical tracking using a modular scalable system architecture.
    In Workshop on Medical Robotics, Navigation and Visualization (MRNV 2004). 2004, 101-108.

  174. Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Dynamic modelling of MSF plants for automatic control and simulation purposes: a survey.
    In Desalination 166. 2004, 191-204.
    URL, DOI

  175. Adrian Gambier.
    Real-time control systems: a tutorial.
    In 5th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2004) 2. 2004, 1024-1031.

  176. Adrian Gambier.
    Real-time control of a hybrid laboratory plant using a receding horizon control strategy.
    In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (ICCA 2004) 1. 2004, 661-666.
    URL, DOI

  177. Adrian Gambier.
    Predictive state-space control of a hybrid laboratory plant.
    In Proceeding of the 2004 IEEE Multi-Conferrence. 2004, 661-666.

  178. Adrian Gambier.
    Multivariable adaptive state-space control: A survey.
    In 5th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2004) 1. 2004, 185-191.

  179. Essameddin Badreddin, Adrian Gambier and Fuad Aboul-Fotouh.
    Laboratory set-up for education and research on automation of reverse osmosis plants employing a sustainable energy source.
    In Desalination 166. 2004, 307-314.
    URL, DOI

  180. Essameddin Badreddin and Mostafa Abdel-Geliel.
    Dynamic safety margin principle and application in control of safety critical systems.
    In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (ICCA 2004) 1. 2004, 689-694.
    URL, DOI

  181. Mostafa Abdel-Geliel.
    Safety supervisor control of hybrid laboratory plant.
    In 12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED 2004). 2004.

  182. Meike Jipp, Peter P Pott, Achim Wagner, Essameddin Badreddin and Werner W Wittmann.
    Skill Acquisition Process of a Robot-Based and a Traditional Spine Surgery.
    In Helder Araújo, Alves Vieira, José Braz, Bruno Encarnação and Marina Carvalho (eds.). 1st International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2004). 2004, 56-63.

  183. Achim Wagner, Peter P Pott, Markus L R Schwarz, Andrea Wellenreuther, Hans-Peter Weiser, Essameddin Badreddin and Hanns-Peter Scharf.
    Parallelkinematische Systeme für handgehaltene Operationsmanipulatoren (ITD) (Parallel kinematics for handheld surgical manipulators (ITD)).
    In 2nd Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V. (CURAC 2003). 2003.

  184. Peter P Pott, Markus L R Schwarz, Hanns-Peter Scharf, A Dürr, El K Ganadi, S Kramer and Stephan Golla.
    Das Marktpotenzial der Robotik- und Navigationstechnologie: Eine empirische Studie zur Marktakzeptanz unter CURAC Mitgliedern.
    In Zweite Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie. 2003.

  185. Peter P Pott, Markus L R Schwarz, Andreas Köpfle, Markus A Schill, Achim Wagner, Essameddin Badreddin, Reinhard Männer, Hans-Peter Weiser and Hanns-Peter Scharf.
    ITD - A handheld manipulator for medical applications: Concept and design.
    In 3rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopedic Surgery (CAOS 2003). 2003.

  186. Björn Martin, Achim Wagner and Herbert Kliem.
    Kohlrausch-Verhalten durch Elektrodeneffekte in Polyethylenoxid.
    In Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, (VI), 38, DF 7.21. 2003.

  187. Eva Hunkemöller, Markus L R Schwarz, Patrizia Siozos, Steffen Heute, Peter P Pott and Gregor Voggenreiher.
    Biomechanische Untersuchung zur Frakturheilung der Ratte unter Immunsuppression mit FK506.
    In Tagungsband der 67. Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Unfallchirurgie. 2003.

  188. Adrian Gambier, Tobias Miksch and Essameddin Badreddin.
    A control laboratory plant to experiment with hybrid systems.
    In Proceedings of the 2003 American Control Conference (ACC 2003) 6. 2003, 4627-4632.
    URL, DOI

  189. Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Application of hybrid modeling and control techniques to desalination plants.
    In Desalination 152. 2003, 175-184.

  190. Nayel Farag, Stephan Holten, Achim Wagner and Herbert Kliem.
    Performing the dielectric circle with numerical transformations.
    In Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Annual Report. 2003, 714-718.
    URL, DOI

  191. Nayel Farag, Stephan Holten, Achim Wagner and Herbert Kliem.
    Numerical transformations of wide-range time- and frequency-domain relaxational spectra.
    Science, Measurement and Technology, IEE Proceedings 150(2):65-74, 2003.
    URL, DOI

  192. A Beck, Markus L R Schwarz, Peter P Pott, Steffen Heute and Hanns-Peter Scharf.
    A simulator for the accuracy evaluation of the rotational hip centre using CT-less navigation in TKA concerning reduced rage of motion and movements of the pelvis.
    In 3rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS 2003). 2003.

  193. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Theory and Applications of Analogical Gates in Control and Decision Support.
    In International Conference on Computer Theory and Applications. 2003.

  194. Mostafa Abdel-Geliel and Mohamed A El-Khazendar.
    Supervisory fuzzy logic controller used for process loop control in DCS system.
    In Proceedings of 2003 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA 2003) 1. 2003, 263-268 vol.1.
    URL, DOI

  195. Markus L R Schwarz, Peter P Pott, A Beck, Steffen Heute and Hanns-Peter Scharf.
    Accuracy of CT-less navigation in locating the rotational hip centre in TKA introducing a mechanical moddel..
    In Heinz U Lemke, Michael W Vannier, Kiyonari Inamura, Allan G Farman, Kunio Doi and Johan H C Reiber (eds.). 17th Computer assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS 2003) 1256. 2003, 1359.

  196. Mostafa Abdel-Geliel and Mohamed A El-Khazendar.
    Model Reference based Supervisory Fuzzy Logic Controller for Process Control..
    In M H Hamza (ed.). Modelling, Identification and Control. 2003, 262-267.

  197. Achim Wagner, Björn Martin and Herbert Kliem.
    Polyethylene oxide: a moisture sensitive material.
    In Electromagnetic Methods in Pharmacy and Medicine: Inaugural Conference of the Dielectrics Group of The Institute of Physics, Programme Abstract Book (14). 2002.

  198. Achim Wagner and Herbert Kliem.
    Dispersive ionic space charge relaxation in solid polymer electrolytes. II. Model and simulation.
    Journal of Applied Physics 91(10):6638-6649, 2002.
    URL, DOI

  199. Achim Wagner and Herbert Kliem.
    Dispersive ionic space charge relaxation in solid polymer electrolytes. I. Experimental system polyethylene oxide.
    Journal of Applied Physics 91(10):6630-6637, 2002.

  200. Achim Wagner.
    Raumladungspolarisation in Polymerelektrolyten.
    Dissertation, Universität Saarbrücken, Saarbr\"ücken, 2002.

  201. Peter P Pott, Markus L R Schwarz and Hanns-Peter Scharf.
    Navigation, Robotik, Telechirurgie - computerunterstützte Operationsmethoden in der Knieendoprothetik.
    In XXIV. Münchner Symposium für experimentelle Orthopädie. 2002.

  202. Peter P Pott, Markus L R Schwarz and Hanns-Peter Scharf.
    Navigation, Robotik, Telechirurgie: computerunterstützte Operationsmethoden in der Orthopädie: Eine übersicht.
    In Tagungsband der 50. Jahrestagung der Süddeutschen Orthopäden. 2002.

  203. Peter P Pott, Markus L R Schwarz and Hanns-Peter Scharf.
    Ein handgehaltener Operationsroboter – Grundlagen, Spezifikationen und Lösungsentwurf (A handheld surgical manipulator – Basics, specifications and solution design).
    In 1st Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie e.V. (CURAC 2002). 2002.

  204. Peter P Pott, Markus L R Schwarz and Hanns-Peter Scharf.
    Computerunterstützte orthopädische Chirurgie : Anforderungen, Technologien, Ausblicke.
    In Deutscher Orthopädenkongress. 2002.

  205. Peter P Pott and Markus L R Schwarz.
    Robotik, Navigation, Telechirurgie: Stand der Technik und Marktübersicht (Robots, Navigation, Telesurgery: State of the Art and Market Overview).
    In Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und ihre Grenzgebiete 140(2). 2002, 218-231.
    URL, DOI

  206. Peter P Pott and Markus L R Schwarz.
    Robotik, Navigation, Telechirurgie: Stand der Technik und Marktübersicht (Robots, Navigation, Telesurgery: State of the Art and Market Overview).
    In Zeitschrift für Orthopädie und ihre Grenzgebiete 140(2). 2002, 218-231.
    URL, DOI

  207. Björn Martin, Achim Wagner and Herbert Kliem.
    A thermoelectric voltage effect in Polyethylene Oxide.
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 36(4), 2002.
    URL, DOI

  208. Adrian Gambier, Matthias Fertig and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Hybrid supervisory control of the brine heater for multi stage flash desalination plants.
    In Proceeding of the 15th IFAC World Congress (IFAC 2002). 2002.

  209. Adrian Gambier, Matthias Fertig and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Hybrid modelling for supervisory control purposes for the brine heater of a multi stage flash desalination plant.
    In Proceedings of the 2002 American Control Conference (ACC 2002) 6. 2002, 5060-5065.
    URL, DOI

  210. Adrian Gambier and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Application of hybrid modeling and control techniques to desalination plants.
    In Conference on Desalination Strategies in South Mediterranean Countries EuroMed. 2002.

  211. Adrian Gambier.
    Simulation using block-oriented and object-oriented software for desalination plants.
    In 4th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2002). 2002, 1991-1996.

  212. Adrian Gambier.
    Adaptive predictive control of a turbogenerator using bilinear models.
    In 4th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2002). 2002, 653-657.

  213. Stefan M O Fabricius and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Hybrid dynamic plant performance analysis supported by extensions to the Petri net library in Modelica.
    In 4th Asian Control Conference (ASCC 2002). 2002, 1131-1136.

  214. Essameddin Badreddin and Roberto Brega.
    To be embedded or not to be embedded: This is not the only question.
    In The12th International Conference on Computer Theory and Applications (ICCTA 2002). 2002.

  215. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Information theoretic unified modelling of autonomous systems.
    In Proceedings of the 19th National Radio Science Conference (NRSC 2002). 2002, 41-50.
    URL, DOI

  216. Yiqiang Peng and Essameddin Badreddin.
    State feedback control for subgoal traversal with a non-holonomic robot.
    In 4th Asian Conference on Robotics and Its Applications (ACRA 2001). 2001, 13-18.

  217. Herbert Kliem and Achim Wagner.
    High dielectric permittivity by ionic space charge polarization in polyethylene oxide.
    In Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, Annual Report. 2001, 648-651.
    URL, DOI

  218. Stefan M O Fabricius, Essameddin Badreddin and Wolfgang Kröger.
    Migration to advanced maintenance and monitoring techniques in the process industry.
    In 14th International Congress on Condition, Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 2001) 4. 2001.

  219. Stefan M O Fabricius and Essameddin Badreddin.
    Stochastic Petri net modeling for availability and maintainability analysis.
    In 14th International Congress on Condition, Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management (COMADEM 2001) 4. 2001.

  220. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Theory and applications of analogical gates.

  221. Essameddin Badreddin.
    From Mechatronics to Infotronics.

  222. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Computers and Systems in Education, Research and Applications.

  223. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Information theoretic aspects in the design of autonomous mobile robots.
    In Symposium on Information Theory. May 2000.

  224. Achim Wagner and Herbert Kliem.
    Monte-Carlo simulations of three dimensional ion dynamics in polymers.
    In Materials Research Society (MRS 2000). 2000.
    URL, DOI

  225. Torsten Knohl, Adrian Gambier and Heinz Unbehauen.
    Control scheme of Multi-Stage-Flash plants.
    In Encyclopedia of Desalination and Water Resources (DESWARE 2000). 2000.

  226. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Application of Petri nets in the reliability analysis of a spallation neutron source.
    In 5th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Maintenance (PSAM 2000). 2000.

  227. Essameddin Badreddin.
    A hybrid control structure for a robot soccer player.
    In World Automation Congress (WAC 2000) 10. 2000, 1-6.

  228. Adrian Gambier and Heinz Unbehauen.
    Multivariable generalized state-space receding horizon control in a real-time environment.
    In Automatica 35(11). November 1999, 1787-1797.
    URL, DOI

  229. Achim Wagner and Herbert Kliem.
    A comment on dielectric hole burning.
    Journal of chemical Physics 111(3), 1999.

  230. Adrian Gambier and Heinz Unbehauen.
    Adaptive predictive state-space control of a multivariable 3-tank system.
    In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2. 1999, 1234-1239.
    URL, DOI

  231. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Safety and dependability of mechatronics systems
    Lecture notes, 1999.

  232. Achim Wagner and Herbert Kliem.
    Ionic space charge relaxation and high dielectric permittivity in Polyethylene Oxide.
    In Materials Research Society (MRS) Proceedings: Solid State Ionics 548. January 1998.
    URL, DOI

  233. Achim Wagner and Herbert Kliem.
    Eine neue Interpretation des "Dielektrischen Lochbrennens".
    In Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft: 62. Physikertagung (VI) 33 DF 6.21. 1998, 603.

  234. Adrian Gambier and Heinz Unbehauen.
    Prädiktiver adaptiver Zustandsregler für Mehrgrö\"ssenregelsysteme.
    In Workshop in Interlaken. 1998.

  235. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Time-variant Control of a Non-holonomic Mobile Robot.
    In 5th Intelligent Autonomous Systems conference (IAS 1998). 1998.

  236. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Reliability Analysis of a Spallation Neutron Source.
    In World Automation Congress (WAC 1998). 1998.

  237. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Network Approach to Multi-criteria Aggregation with Application in Risk Assessment.
    International Journal of Global Energy Issues 12:292-298, 1998.
    URL, DOI

  238. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Condition Monitoring of the Monitoring System of the Spallation Neutron Source (SINQ).
    In 11th Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management International Conference (COMADEM 1998). 1998.

  239. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Analysis of the Monitoring System of a Spallation Neutron Source (SINQ).
    In 11th Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management International Conference (COMADEM 1998). 1998.

  240. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Control and system design of wheeled mobile robots.
    Habilitation, ETH Zürich, 1997.

  241. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Analogical gates: a network approach to fuzzy control with applications to a non-holonomic autonomous mobile robot.
    International Journal of Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing 4(1), 1997.
    URL, DOI

  242. Adrian Gambier and Heinz Unbehauen.
    Practical issues on the selection of the RDE initial conditions a stabilizing receding horizon controller.
    In Euraco Workshop II. 1996, 109-123.

  243. Adrian Gambier and Heinz Unbehauen.
    Adaptive multivariable state-space receding horizon control of a turbo-generator pilot plant.
    In Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 4. 1996, 3688-3693.
    URL, DOI

  244. Adrian Gambier.
    Real time application of a multivariable generalized state-space receding horizon control algorithm.
    In 13th Triennial International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress (IFAC 1996). 1996, 97-102.

  245. Adrian Gambier.
    Entwurf prädikativer Regler für Mehrgrö\"ssensysteme in der Zustandsraumdarstellung.
    Dissertation, Universität Bochum, Bochum, 1996.

  246. Essameddin Badreddin.
    Principles and Applications of Analogical Gates in the Control of a Non-holonomic Autonomous Mobile Robot.
    In Robotic and Manufacturing Systems: Recent results in research, development and application. 1996, 37-42.

Open-gain Publications
  1. A scientific article entitled Dynamic modelling of a simple reverse osmosis desalination plant for advanced control purposes has been presented at the 2007 American Control Conference. The article is published on pages 4854-4859 of the related proceeding. Authors: Gambier A., Krasnik A., Badreddin E.
  2. A scientific paper entitled Multi-loop Control System Design: A Game Theoretical Approach for Computer-controlled systems has been presented at the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, USA, December 12-14, 2007. The article is published in the conference proceeding. Authors: Gambier A., Wellenreuther A., Badreddin E.
  3. On page article published in Bulletins des Energies Renouvelables Edited by CDER Conception optimale de systèmes viables de production d’eau et d’électricité destinés aux sites isolés utilisant les énergies renouvelables et une automatisation intelligente
  4. Wellenreuther, A., A. Gambier and E. Badreddin, Optimal multi-loop control design of a reverse osmosis desalination plant with robust performance . 17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC WC 2008), 10039-10034, Seoul, July 6-11, 2008.
  5. Gambier, A., M. Wolf, E. Badreddin, Open Gain: A European project for optimal water and energy production based on high level of automation . Euromed 2008, November 9-13, Jordan.
  6. Gambier, A., A. Wellenreuther, E. Badreddin, Optimal operation of reverse osmosis plants based on advanced control Euromed 2008, November 9-13, Jordan.
  7. S. Syafiie, Fernando Tadeo, Luis Palacin, Cesar de Prada, Johanna Salazar Modelling for Dynamic Simulation of Pretreatment in Reverse Osmosis Plants IEEM 2008 Singapur, December 2008
  8. S. Syafiie, Fernando Tadeo, Luis Palacin, Cesar de Prada Membrane Modeling For Simulation And Control Of Reverse Osmosis In Desalination Plants UKACC Control 2008, Manchester, UK
  9. PlantsLuis Palacin, Fernando Tadeo, Cesar de Prada, S. Syafiie, Library for Dynamic Simulation of Reverse Osmosis EMSS2008 (20th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, September 17-19, 2008, Campora San Giovanni, Amantea (CS), Italy
  10. Gambier, A., N. Blümlein and E. Badreddin, Real-Time fault-tolerant control of a reverse osmosis desalination plant based on a hybrid system approach . Proceeding of the 2009 American Control Conference, 1598-1603, Saint Louis, June 10-12, 2009
  11. Gambier, A., T. Miksch and E. Badreddin, A reverse osmosis laboratory plant for experimenting with fault-tolerant control. Proceeding of the 2009 American Control Conference, Saint Louis, 3775-3780, June 10-12, 2009
  12. Gambier, A., and E. Badreddin, Control of small reverse osmosis desalination plants with feed water bypass. Proceeding of the 2009 IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA 2009), 800-805, Saint Petersburg, July 8-10, 2009
  13. Gambier, A., A. Wellenreuther, E. Badreddin, Control system design of reverse osmosis plants by using advanced optimization techniques. Desalination and Water Treatment, 10, 200-209, 2009
  14. Gambier, A., M. Wolf, T. Miksch, A. Wellenreuther E. Badreddin, Optimal systems engineering and control co-design for water and energy production: A European project. Desalination and Water Treatment, 10, 192-199, 2009
  15. Luis Palacin, Fernando Tadeo, Cesar de Prada, Integrated Design using Dynamic Simulation of Reverse Osmosis Plants, IEEE IEEM 2009, Hong Kong, December 2009
  16. L. Palacin, F. Tadeo, J. Salazar, C. de Prada, Control of Reverse Osmosis Plants using Renewable Energies, International Conference on Control and Applications CA 2009, July 13 – 15, 2009, Cambridge, United Kingdom
  17. Luis Palacin, Fernando Tadeo, Cesar de Prada, Operation of Desalination Plants Using Hybrid Control, The 2nd Maghreb Conference on Water Treatment and Desalination, (CMTDE 2009) Hammamet, Tunisia, 19-22 December, 2009
  18. Luis Palacin, Fernando Tadeo, Cesar de Prada, Elfil Hamza, New Dynamic Library of Reverse Osmosis Plants with Fault Simulation, The 2nd Maghreb Conference on Water Treatment and Desalination, (CMTDE 2009) Hammamet, Tunisia 19-22 December, 2009
  19. K. Mohammedi, A. Sadi, T. Cheradi, I. Belaidi, A. Bouziane, OPEN-GAIN Project: Simulation and Analysis of an Autonomous RO Desalination and Energy Production Systems Integrating Renewable Energies’ , The 2nd Maghreb Conference on Water Treatment and Desalination (CMTDE 2009), Hammamet, Tunisia 19-22 December, 2009
  20. A. Kartalidis, G. Arampatzis, D. Assimacopoulos, Rapid Sizing of Renewable Energy Power Components in Hybrid Power Plant for Reverse Osmosis Desalination Process, IEMSS 2008, International Congress on Environment Modelling and Software, Barcelona
  21. S. Syafiie, F. Tadeo, L. Palacin and C de Prada, Modelling of the Pre-treatment Section for Dynamic Simulation of Water Production using Reverse Osmosis, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, accepted, 2009
  22. S. Syafiie, F. Tadeo, L. Palacin, C. de Prada, Modelling of Membranes for Simulation and Control of Reverse Osmosis in Desalination Plants, UKACC Control Conference Manchester, UK, Sep. 2008, paper id: 75, ISBN 978-0-9556152-1-4
  23. L. Palacin, C. de Prada, S. Syafiie, F. Tadeo, Library for Dynamic Simulation of Reverse Osmosis Plants, 20th European Modelling and Simulation Symposium EMSS2008, SCS, Calabria, Italy, 17-19, Sep. 2008, Paper id: 19
  24. S. Syafiie, F. Tadeo, L. G. Palacin, C. de Prada, Modelling for Dynamic Simulation of Pre-treatment in Reverse Osmosis Plants, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management IEEM08, Singapore, Dic. 2008
  25. L. Gómez Palacín, F. Tadeo, S. Syam, C. de Prada, Librería dinámica de plantas de desalinización de ósmosis inversa, XXIX Jornadas de Automática, Tarragona, ISBN 978-84-691-6883.-7, Sep. 2008
  26. L. G. Palacín, F. Tadeo, C. de Prada, Diseño Integrado y Control usando Simulación Dinámica de una Planta de Ósmosis Inversa, XXX Jornadas de Automática, Valladolid, P134, ISBN 478-84-692-2387, Sep. 2009 Premio empresários Agrupados de Simulación
  27. L. Gómez Palacín, F. Tadeo, S. Syam, C. de Prada, Librería dinámica de plantas de desalinización de ósmosis inversa, XXIX Jornadas de Automática, Tarragona, ISBN 978-84-691-6883.-7, Sep. 2008
  28. L. G. Palacín, F. Tadeo, C. de Prada, Diseño Integrado y Control usando Simulación Dinámica de una Planta de Ósmosis Inversa, XXX Jornadas de Automática, Valladolid, P134, ISBN 478-84-692-2387, Sep. 2009 Premio empresários Agrupados de Simulación
  29. J. Salazar, F. Tadeo, C. de Prada, L. Palacin, UVA, Spain, Modelling and control of a wind turbine equipped with permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG).
  30. Kartalidis, G. Arampatzis, D. Assimacopoulos“ - Athens, Greece, A decision support system for design and assessment of hybrid systems for cogeneration of electricity and water
  31. K. Maklouf, K. Ben Youssef , Guizani, H. Elfil, - CRTEn – Tunisia, Diagnosis of the Open-Gain reverse osmosis desalination unit
  32. Sami H. Karaki, Ayman Bou Ghannam, Fuad Mrad, Riad Chedid - American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, Optimal Scheduling of Hybrid Energy Systems using Load and Renewable Resources Forecast
  33. Amr A. Kandil, Adrian Gambier, Essam Badreddin - University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany, Optimal design for water and power co-generation in remote areas using renewable energy sources and intelligent automation
  34. A.Gambier, T. Miksch, E. Badreddin - University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany, Fault-tolerant supervisory control of a reverse osmosis desalination plant powered by renewable energies
  35. L. Palacín, F. Tadeo, J. Salazar, Prada - UVA, Spain, Validation of a reverse osmosis dynamic simulator
  36. J. Salazar, F. Tadeo, C. Prada, L. Palacin - UVA, Spain, Simulation and Control of a Wind Turbine connected to a Low Voltage Network
  37. Kamal Mohammedi, Algeria, Small Scale Water Desalination Powered by Autonomous Smart Hybrid Systems Integrating Renewable Energy
  38. L. Palacin, C. de Prada, F. Tadeo, J. Salazar, Operation of Reverse Osmosis Plants with Optimal Energy Consumption. 2010 IFAC International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems DYCOPS 2010, Jul. 2010, Leuven, Belgium, Paper ID: 129
  39. J. Salazar, F. Tadeo, C. Prada, Control System for Reverse Osmosis Plant (RO) and Renewable Energy Generation. International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ´10) EA4EPO, 23-25 March 2010, Granada, España, Paper ID: 631-Salazar
  40. F. Tadeo, L. G. Palacin; S. Syafiie; C. de Prada; J. Salazar, Improving the efficiency of small water production facilities. European Energy Conference, ESF, 20-23 Abr.2010, Barcelona, Spain.
  41. L. Palacín, F. Tadeo, C. de Prada , Operation of desalination plants using hybrid control. Journal: Desalination and Water Treatment, DWT 7280.
  42. K. Ben Youssef, K. Makhlouf, S. Chehaibi, L. Khemissi, R. Landolsi, H. Elfil, A. Guizani, CRTEn – Tunisia, Simulation of an hybrid power system to produce water and electricity for remote communities in Tunisia.
  43. A.W. Dahmouni, M.M. Oueslati, M. Ben Salah, F. Askri, C. Kerkini, A. Guizani, S. Ben Nasrallah, CRTEn – Tunisia, Estimation of the energy production of a 15 kW wind rturbine in the site of Bordj Cedria
  44. A Plant for Cogeneration of Electricity and Water Powered by Renewable Energy Sources Based on Using High Level of Automation, Amr A. Kandil, Sherine Rady, Essam Badreddin, The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2010), 29 November – 1 December 2010, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 209-213.
  45. Simulation and Exergy Analysis of a Small Scale Seawater Desalination/Electricity Production Prototype Powered with Renewable Energy, Kamal Mohammedi, Abdelkrim Sadi, Idir Belaidi, Abdelkader Bouziane, Djamel Boudieb, Int. J. of Thermal & Environmental Engeneering Vol. 2. N01 (2011) 107-112